Do people with IBD (CD or UC) have a higher risk of contracting COVID-19?

Having IBD does not appear to increase the risk of COVID-19 infection

In light of COVID-19, do I need to change my IBD medication?

Stay on your existing therapies and stay in remission. Do not stop or adjust dose of your IBD medications without consulting your doctor

Should I take supplements like vitamin c or zinc to help prevent coronavirus?

There is no data to support their effectiveness to prevent coronavirus infection

What can I do to protect myself against COVID-19 as an IBD patient?

Follow guidelines for general population to prevent the spread of coronavirus

Continue taking your IBD medicines

If you are taking steroids, please consult your doctor about reducing your dose

Eat healthy foods that do not trigger your IBD

Exercise while maintaining social distance

Quit smoking

Maintain good sleep hygiene

Pay attention to your mental health

What should I do if I have Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis and develop COVID-19 symptoms?

Based on the treatments you are on, you may need to stop your therapy for a couple of weeks. Please do not stop your medicines without talking to your doctor first.

How do I know the difference between an IBD flare-up vs. COVID-19?

An IBD flare up and COVID-19 infection may have similar symptoms like loss of appetite, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, etc.
Contact your doctor because there are testing options that can help distinguish the two

What should I do if I think I’m having an IBD flare-up?

Please get in touch with your doctor to check whether you require dose adjustment of current therapy or need to start new therapy to control flare-up